Satellite Network DTMF Cue Tone Generators and Decoders

(3000 Series modules require a Frame and Power Supply)


DTMF Product Literature

DTG-3001A   $300

DTMF Tone Generator The DTG-3001A provides two sequences of four DTMF tones, comprising of either a START or END function.  Front panel pushbutton switches, internal jumpers, and control inputs on the edge connector can be used to select various output combinations.  Three sets of DIP-switches on the circuit board determine the first three digits in the sequence.  The last digit is determined by the pushbutton or control signal.  If an audio signal has been connected to the audio input, the audio will be muted, and the tone sequence will be inserted in its place. 

All DTMF tones generated will be at the same speed as the satellite networks, and are able to control all devices capable of processing and acting on DTMF cue-tones.  The DTG-3001A allows the user to simulate a four digit DTMF tone burst that a satellite network would send to indicate a commercial-begin and commercial-end sequence.  The tone burst consists of four digits: the first three digits from 0 through 9 and the last digit will consist of either a * or #.  The user can modulate the output of the generator, if needed, and transmitted to a remote site.



CTD-3104A   $300

Digital High-Speed DTMF Tone Decoder Monitors satellite receiver program audio and provides start and stop signals to activate automation and/or signal switching equipment.  Used to add locally generated material in the pre-designated spots identified with cue-tones.  Compatible with standard telephone touch-pad tones, the module can be adapted to many remote control applications. A PCB mounted programming switch is provided for selection of a number of digits to be decoded and type of output signal desired.  Front panel LEDs indicate status of all module functions. Input level: 0.7 to 2.0V p-p.  Input impedance: (dual) High: 50K ohms, Low: 600 ohms.



Typical System Configurations and Pricing


6 Cue Tone Generators, Frame wired for 12

Qty  Model #                   Description                                                             Price  Total
1    CMF-3000B     Rack Mounting Frame, 3.5" X 19". Holds 12  3000-series modules.  $400   $400
1    BFP-30XXA     Blank Filler Panel for CMF-3000B, Specify number of spaces           $25   $25
13  FWD-3000A     Frame Wiring and Connector Panel, One FWD per module.           $100   $1,300
1    RPS-3002A     Regulated Power Supply, 110 60hz, +/-12, +/-17ur and +5vdc         $200   $200
6    DTG-3001A    4-Digit High Speed DTMF Cue Tone Generator                             $300   $1,800
  Total Price of Frame and Modules                                                                            $3,725

4 Tone Generators and 4 Tone Decoders

Qty  Model #                 Description                                                               Price    Total
1   CMF-3000B    Rack Mounting Frame, 3.5" X 19". Holds 12  3000-series modules.   $400     $400
1   BFP-30XXA    Blank Filler Panel for CMF-3000B, Specify number of spaces            $25      $25
9   FWD-3000A    Frame Wiring and Connector Panel, One FWD per module.           $100     $900
1   RPS-3002A    Regulated Power Supply, 110 60hz, +/-12, +/-17ur and +5vdc          $200    $200
4   DTG-3001A    4-Digit High Speed DTMF Cue Tone Generator                             $300  $1,200
4   CTD-3104A    4-Digit High Speed DTMF Cue Tone Decoder                                $300  $1,200
  Total Price of Frame and Modules                                                                           $3,925

1 Channel DTMF Cue Tone Generator

Qty  Model #              Description                                                                    Price     Total
1   CMF-1000A    1RU Frame for 4-modules, includes external power supply              $350    $350
1   FWD-3000A    Frame Wiring and Connector Panel, One FWD per module.             $100     $100
1   DTG-3001A    4-Digit High Speed DTMF Cue Tone Generator                               $300     $300
  Total Price of Frame and Modules                                                                               $750

1 Channel Tone Decoder

Qty  Model #              Description                                                                    Price   Total
1   CMF-1000A    1RU Frame for 4-modules, includes external power supply               $350    $350
1   FWD-3000A    Frame Wiring and Connector Panel, One FWD per module.              $100     $100
1   CTD-3104A    4-Digit High Speed DTMF Cue Tone Decoder                                   $300    $300
  Total Price of Frame and Modules                                                                               $750

2 Channel Tone Generator with Decoders

Qty    Model #            Description                                                                     Price    Total
1   CMF-1000A    1RU Frame for 4-modules, includes external power supply                $350     $350
4   FWD-3000A    Frame Wiring and Connector Panel, One FWD per module.               $100      $400
2   DTG-3001A    4-Digit High Speed DTMF Cue Tone Generator                                 $300     $600
2   CTD-3104A    4-Digit High Speed DTMF Cue Tone Decoder                                    $300     $600
  Total Price of Frame and Modules                                                                               $1,950